Missouri Higher Education Core Transfer Curriculum (核心42)


Central Methodist University signed as an 独立的 institution beginning with the 2019-2020 academic year to participate in the Missouri Core Curriculum Transfer Act (Missouri Senate Bill 997). Commonly referred to as 核心42, the Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Curriculum is a recommended lower-division core curriculum of at least forty-two semester credit hours that was developed by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE).

Missouri's 核心42 is a statewide general education course of study intended to ensure graduates possess a common core of college-level knowledge and skills distributed across the broad Knowledge Areas of: Communications, 人文学科 & 美术、自然 & 数学科学, and 社会 & 行为科学.

核心42 Transfer Guidelines

核心42 was also established to facilitate the transfer of those academic credits among other public and participating private institutions of higher education in the State of Missouri. Central Methodist University signed as an 独立的 institution beginning the 2019-2020 academic year. 

Students may transfer MOTR courses in one of three ways:

  • 完成学业的学生 a post-1995 文学副学士 or 文学副学士 in Teaching degree awarded in the state of Missouri and transfer to another public or participating private institution of higher education shall have completed all lower-division general education requirements at the receiving institution with the exception of CMU103 Orientation to CMU. Students shall receive full credit, including any prerequisites or requirements in the major, for all MOTR courses transferred. The receiving institution cannot require the student take additional lower-division general education courses, with the exception of institutional and program specific courses. 学生可以, 然而, have to take additional lower-division courses to fulfill program or institutional requirements.
  • 完成学业的学生 the 核心42, at any public or participating 独立的 institution of higher education, shall be considered as having completed all lower-division general education requirements at a receiving institution, with the exception of institutional and program specific courses. Students shall receive full credit, including any prerequisites or requirements in the major, for all MOTR courses transferred. The receiving institution cannot require the student take additional lower-division general education courses. 学生可以, 然而, have to take additional lower-division courses to fulfill program or institutional requirements.
  • 完成学业的学生 individual MOTR courses that comprise the 核心42 are guaranteed to transfer one-to-one among all public and participating 独立的 colleges and universities in Missouri. 然而, unless CMU has submitted a course for a specific course to course requirement, 核心42 courses may be accepted as discipline specific electives, such as a mathematics elective, not as a specific course.

NOTE: Courses that do not have the 核心42 designation may still transfer, but students are encouraged to check the transfer equivalency website of the institution to which they plan to transfer in order to be sure.


CMU's Office of the Registrar: 660-248-6265 or registrar@derby-info.net

Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) Core Transfer Curriculum website: http://dhe.mo.gov/core42.php

Course Transfer Tracker: This tool is used to see how general education courses will transfer to other public institutions in Missouri. This tool is continually updated; 然而, it is always best to check with your receiving institution to ensure that you are enrolling in the appropriate courses. http://journeytocollege.mo.gov/finish/transfer-credit/core-42/

CMU 核心42 Transfer Courses

人文学科 & 美术
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
母亲艺术100 艺术欣赏 3 艺术欣赏 AR111
母亲艺术101 艺术史I 3 艺术史I AR186
母亲艺术102 艺术史II 3 艺术史II AR188
郎妈妈103 西班牙语我 3 初级西班牙语I SP101
母亲:104 西班牙二世 3 初级西班牙语I SP102
母亲音乐100 音乐欣赏 3 音乐欣赏 MU 188
母亲菲尔100 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Introduction to Western Philosophy PL106
妈妈很高兴 世界宗教 3 Religion and the Human Adventure RL 122
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
妈妈数学110 统计推理 3 统计推理 MA 105
妈妈数学120 Mathematical Reasoning & 建模 3 Quantitative Reasoning MA 109
妈妈数学120 Mathematical Reasoning & 建模 3 Quantitative Reasoning Intensive 109年马我
妈妈数学130 有关微积分的代数 3 大学代数 MA 103
妈妈数学130 有关微积分的代数 3 大学代数 Intensive 103年马我
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
母生物100ev   生物学要点 3 Introduction to Environmental Science BI 105
母亲生物100lev 生物学要点 with 实验室 4 Introduction to Environmental Science/Intro to Env. 科学实验室 BI105/105L
母亲生物学150 生物学 3 普通生物学 BI 101
母亲生物150l 生物实验室 4 Principles of 生物实验室 BI 101/101L
母亲化学150 化学我 3 普通化学 CH 111
母亲化学150 化学I带实验室 4 普通化学 with 实验室 CH 111/111L
妈妈100 地质 3 探索地质 GL 105
地球母亲100 地质学与实验室 4 探索地质 with 实验室 GL 105/105L
母亲举起150 人类生物学 3 人类生物学 BI 106
母亲举起150磅 Human 生物实验室 4 人类生物学/实验室 BI106/106L
母亲的身体 Essentials in Physical Sciences 3 Concepts in Physical Science SC 101
母亲的身体 Essentials in Physical Sciences with 实验室 4 Concepts in Physical Science with 实验室 SC 101/101L
母亲物理150 物理我 3 普通物理I PH 111
母亲物理150 物理I带实验室 4 普通物理I & 实验室 PH值111/111L
母亲物理2001 Advanced 物理I带实验室 5 Calculus 物理我 and lab PH值205/205L
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
母亲通讯110 Fundamentals of 公众演讲 3 公众演讲 CT 101
社会 & 行为科学
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
母亲CRJS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice  CJ 100 
母亲经济学100 Introduction to Economics 3 一般经济学 EC 101
母亲经济学101 Introduction to 宏观经济学 3 宏观经济学 EC 201
母亲经济学102 Introduction to 微观经济学 3 微观经济学 EC 202
母亲历史101 美国历史1 3 Development of the United States I HI 117
历史学家 美国历史II 3 Development of the United States II  Hl 118
母亲历史201 世界历史I 3 世界历史I Hl 101
历史母亲 世界历史II 3 世界历史II Hl 102
母亲,邮政101 美国政府 3 Introduction to American National, State and Local Government PS 101
母亲心理100 普通心理学 3 普通心理学 PY 101
母亲社会101 一般社会学 3 Introduction to Sociology SO 101
母课程编号 母课程名称 转移学分 课程名称 课程编号
英语妈妈100 作文我 3 学院组成 110年英格
英语妈妈200 作文二世 3 学院组成 II EN 111